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Creating A Bold Future Only By Releasing The Past

Beloved Friends and Clients!

Being on the Big Island of Hawaii for four months may sound romantic and dreamy, but for me it has not been all about dolphins, sandy beaches and tropical flowers. It's been a time of inner descent and humble reflection. I emerge now with a Big Heart that is ready to share!

Being in Hawaii in some ways is a beautiful bubble from the frenetic pace of the Bay Area and the rest of the world, AND the renowned Goddess of this island, Pele, earned her reputation as the fire goddess for a reason. The energy of this island is hot, raw and activating of anything and everything inside a person that has been blocked or hidden from truth in any way.

It’s been a profound journey of discovering the facades, the compensations, the unexamined mistakes and pain of this lifetime and beyond, coupled with a massive stripping away of all the beliefs and ways of being that had kept me spinning for years.

(The real, raw emotional truth of the experience in video, or jump ahead to finish reading the article!)

As I now begin peaking my head out from the rubble, beginning to see clearly my next steps, I feel both excitement and heartache: excited to offer my gifts to make a difference, and deep heartache about our world as illuminated by what is happening at Standing Rock. I found myself devastated yet again when I watched Leonardo DiCapria’s new film last night called “After the Flood,” a graphic presentation of how our choices are damaging our home planet. If you haven’t seen it, it is indeed sobering.

My lessons of the past two years since I closed my beautiful Bay Area chiropractic office, have brought me to the same conclusion as the film: it’s time to wake up and get real! We will never create a bold new world until we let crumble all the systems that have led to destruction – both globally and within ourselves.

Getting real with truth is the biggest gift we can give one another, even when the medicine is hard to swallow. I told a client yesterday that I have cried more tears in the last six months than I’ve cried in a lifetime. I’m not looking for you to feel sorry for me. I wouldn’t trade it for anything! These tears have been powerful, necessary and sobering tears that have awakened my real, raw heart, to a place of willingness to surrender, to surrender to truth and release all things that distract from the truth of Soul Purpose and the needs of a healthy global evolution.

I’m not asking you to go as far as I did, and give up the very foundations of the life you’ve built for yourself, but I do pose the tough question, “What are willing to let go of to find a more fulfilling connection to the yourself and the greater whole – God, Mother Earth, humanity, animals, the precious ecosystems of our world and universe?”

So many people I talk with are just aching inside to make a difference, to discover what it is they came to the planet to do. Are you one of those folks with this incessant voice inside posing this question? It may not be earth shattering, standing on stages or walking the streets of Calcutta like a Mother Theresa, but if you’re hearing the call, there is certainly something aching to be revealed.

I am certain that if we all could find that place and walk together in a world where our personal gifts were overflowing, we would naturally become healthier and so would our world. It’s so basic: healthy choices make a healthy environment! And these choices go way beyond what to eat for breakfast!

My personal gifts that I feel overflowing right now are about helping Bodies and Soul Purpose come into alignment. Our bodies come with a core divine blueprint, just waiting to be activated. As we remove obstacles in our cellular memories and energy bodies, we make space more soul presence; and as we invite soul presence, our bodies must shift to accommodate our expansion! It’s a commitment, a Sacred Journey, to unify ourselves as both Sovereign Souls AND communal beings.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this, and please let me know how I can help!


Body Healing from a Distance - What!?

Consider some body and energy healing from the comfort of your home! Until mid-November 2016, you can choose your first full hour Skype session with me for $100 - or - a quick body alignment session just $45.

"Working with Dr. Ginger using distance healing has been almost like being in the office. At first, I thought the experience would not be as deep as seeing her face-to-face, but the sessions have been really productive."

Please call or email to set up your session! For quick sessions, just send me a note about what you're experiencing -- headaches, neck pain, etc -- and I'll tune into your system from here and get back with you about what I found. For longer sessions, we can dive deeply into your health concerns or any blocks you're feeling in moving forward. Payments are easy via Paypal.



Your Personal Hawaii Retreat Time?

Let's design a custom retreat for you at a wonderful, deeply restorative retreat space, close to nature, easy access to swimming with dolphins and beautiful reef fishies! A last minute getaway in November? Your choice of your own food prep, or catered island fresh vegan food! Hands on healing from me! Pick fresh papayas and limes for breakfast. Dive into yourself in the deep waters of Kealakekua Bay. Stay in a super cool, private hut! Call or email right away! 650-642-7955.

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